2022 - Years End State of Gab


Timestamp: 0824-ish Texas Time Dec. 29, 2022
Gab server time: 1424-ish Hrs. GMT
Number of created accounts: 6194070
Boosted at on-boarding: @gab, @a, @ye, @Smashbaals
*Malicious bot report: Partial fail

Timestamp: Time of this blog post provided because Gab doesn't publicly reference an actual stamp of the time the post was made as opposed to the time that has passed since the post in yrs/months/days/hrs/mins format.

Gab server time: Gabs server time is set to GMT (6hrs. advanced from Texas time)
All references in this report reflect that specific time frame.

Number of created accounts on the platform: Includes accts.banned, self deleted, archived etc. If it was created, it gets counted. Gab accts. are created in sequential order and associated w/a UID#, therefore the most recently created acct. by UID# spec. assignment is also the number of total accts. created. Finding this number can be done manually via methods discussed in earlier blog posts here. These days, I simply use my own software (GUT) to find the number much quicker.
Most recently created acct. info as of this post:

Boosted at on-boarding: Accounts that are currently automatically followed by default by all new accts. created. I also use GUT to find this information quicker. A similar manual process would be to go to the 'Introduce Yourself' group and pick a few users who have most recently posted, then open their profiles in another tab and compare the accounts they are following. You'll soon recognize a 'pattern'. Why are they being boosted is obviously what one should be asking at this point. For instance, open the recently created @ye account and take a look at who it follows and the number of followers. Also note that the acct. is 'Pro' (was that freely given or actually paid for?), but isn't 'Verified' or identified as 'Parody' (as of this posting). So, is this is a set up for Ye to join Gab?
I've no idea, but it's a good question to ask at this point.

Malicious bot report: Recently noticed that if a malicious bot gets followed by someone or follows someone before it's removal, the bot profile still shows in peoples following/follows lists, including any malicious links that may have been in its Bio area of its profile.

**Lawfare: I'll just leave this right here.

Conclusion: Come to your own.

My purpose in this? Sharing info.

I didn't come to Gab to 'grow' a following or become an 'e-celeb', I came to learn and share.
Gab's a great place learn about many things, including Gab itself.

Happy incoming 2023!

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