Gab Private API Access


How to access Gab's private API's

Update: So, after access failed I went digging via dev. tools and found this
^^ going there while in session will show you who has you blocked and/or muted by UID#'s

The difference between public/private API-URL access is pretty simple. Publicly accessible API-URL's do NOT require a log-in/session in order to be used, as you can go to the API-URL w/o being logged in w/any browser, as demonstrated in the previous posting. Private API-URLs require that you be 'in session' (logged-in) in order to get to the API-URL and it function properly. There is also a private 'tokenized' API type, but I'll get into that in another posting as it is kind of out the scope of this one.
(posts thus far on this topic have been meant for regular end users (non-programmers)).

While logged in at Gab, go to the link below.  ( Must be in session/logged in )

This private API-URL will allow you to view all the other users on Gab who have blocked you by their
UID (User I.D. #), which can then be converted to usernames using the previously mentioned public API links provided in the previous post. OR, you can hop over to Rob Colberts Github repo. and download/install his latest endeavor w/api's called 'Gablocked'. If you're blocked by a large number of users, this would be much easier than converting each UID to Username manually.

Robs Github Repo

This one will let you see the number of 'pending' moderation warnings under review for your account.  ( Must be in session/logged in )

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