Occasional Inkompatible Report #2


Star Date: Feb. 17, 2023

Timestamp: Texas Time = 9pm (Gab server time (GMT 6 hrs. advanced))

Current Stats:

Number of registered user accts.: 6,241,378 (username: Aydinravaz)

Current accts. being boosted at on-boarding: 2 - @Gab and @a

Bot Management: Partial fail (don't get me started, see previous post)

Shadow Bans: They kind of exist, sorta' ( see previous post )

Adverts: Ask @PatriotCandleCo (Here's a 'starting point', for some truths...)

Pretty short and sweet this time around, though considering what has happened concerning Gab adverts, here's a little tip for the non-Pro users out there. If you don't want to see 'Sponsored' ads,, then block that shit via browser plug-in/extension (UblockOrigin) or at the modem/router level.
IE, block incoming data packets/requests from grow.gab.com

Thanks for reading,
*PS: It's either constitutionally allowed free speech or it isn't. What say you?
**Hint; there's no such thing as hate speech. (don't get ya' feels hurted)

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