Pondering The Possibilities


I'm seeing where Gab now shows Pro users the number of views their posts have recieved and
I'm wondering if those views are by other logged in users only (via click/otherwise seen in a feed etc.)
or is this including ALL views via click from even viewers not  logged in?

According to Andrew, this is an attempt to be more transparent and provide analytic info. and be an
incentive for people to go 'Pro'?

Here's the current number of registered accounts on Gab 6,467,456

That being said (proof provided), wouldn't is also be interesting to know some other server statistcs as well
as an incentive for people to go 'Pro', Invest, donate, advertise etc.?

Things like:

Number of Registered Users currently online (in session logged in)
Number of Pro Registered Accts.
Number of Pro users currently on line
etc., etc...
That's what I'd call interesting analytics, for starters.

All of which could be displayed for Pro, donor, advertisers (levels) etc. and be updated at a spedific time interval (once/hour, etc.).

Just spitballin'...

PS, some of these may already be available to advertizers etc., though I doubt it.

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